Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Digitaler Kompass - young people & news about COVID

A German-language report from a small scale Austrian survey (about 300 young people aged 11-20, responding May/July 2020) identified that the young people were turning back to more traditional media in informing themselves about COVID-19 with TV, personal communication and online news sites being the most used, and Instagram the most used social media. Unsurprisingly (since it was the most used social media) Instagram was also top for fake news, with TikTok 2nd. Go to https://www.digitalerkompass.at/corona-report-jugend-und-medien/
The survey was carried out by Digitaler Kompass, the "Institute for news literacy and digital education", which is supported by a number of agencies, including the EU and the company 3 https://www.digitalerkompass.at/ and https://www.facebook.com/digitalerkompass/

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