Saturday, February 27, 2021

eTwinning focuses on media literacy and disinformation

The European-funded eTwinning ongoing project (operating for numerous years) to virtually "twin" schools in different European countries "offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe." This year's focus for projects and activities is media literacy and fighting misinformation. There is a "group" page here that will be a focus for the projects, and there will be a launch in a couple of days, on March 1st 2021: . Sadly I don't think the UK can join these projects post-Brexit, but librarians in other European countrie should see opportunities here.
Photo by Sheila Webber: blood and ordinary oranges, February 2021

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