
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Comment on ACRL research agenda

There is a new draft ACRL ([US] Association of College and Research Libraries) research agenda on "library contributions to student learning and success". From my reading of it, this is aiming to identify an agenda for research that will demonstrate and evidence library impact on student learning and success (rather than one for impacting student learning and success).  Input and reactions are sought by December 16, 2016. Since you are asked to indicate "region" this is aimed at ARCL mebers, but there is an "other" box so interested non-US people may wish to contribute.
Project website:
Draft agenda: "First, a brief literature review is provided to overview some of ACRL’s work on the value of academic libraries and to describe how this work informed development of a codebook, which was then used to identify the themes of 357 relevant readings. Next, an overview of methods is provided, followed by a presentation and discussion of findings from content analysis of the readings and analysis of the focus group interview transcript. The paper concludes by outlining key takeaways from the work completed to date by the team." Thus this document is useful for those interested in academic library impact, even if you don't want to give feedback.
Feedback form:
Photo by Sheila Webber: model of Dumbledore's room, WB Making of Harry Potter, November 2016

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