
Friday, December 31, 2021

Transition and information literacy

As we leave behind 2021 and move to 2022, here are some articles on transition:
- Bent, M. (2008). Perceptions of Information Literacy in the Transition to Higher Education. National Teaching Fellowship Project Report. Newcastle University. open access (research carried out in the UK as part of a National Teaching Fellowship. The aim was "to investigate the conflicts and congruencies between staff and student perceptions of information literacy in the transition to higher education, particularly in Chemistry and English" and data was gathered through interviews, focus groups, survey and also workshops developing findings with professionals. It includes some discussion of Threshold Concepts and information literacy - well before ACRL addressed this connection).
- Hicks, A. (2020). Negotiating change: Transition as a central concept for information literacy. Journal of Information Science. (early online publication - open access)
- Salisbury, F. & Karasmanis, S. (2011) Are they Ready? Exploring Student Information Literacy Skills in the Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 42(1), 43-58. (reports on a results of questionnaire/test of 1029 first year health science students: one of the most useful recommendations identifies the value of inderstanding more about the existing skill/knowledge of the students, so you can develop a programme that builds on this).
- Varlejs, J. & Stec, E. (2014). Factors Affecting Students' Information Literacy as They Transition from High School to College. School Library Research, 17. Open access at (interesting study in which they assessed information literacy through a few different means in a first year university course, then identified the schools the students had previously attended, and interviewed librarians in schools where students had either scored very well or poorly. They identify a number of factors that appear to influence the information literacy of new university students, but in particular identify an aspect that wasn't talked about (i.e. the administration and culture of the schools) as being an important hidden factor)
Photo by Sheila Webber: the wreath at number 31, December 2021

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Algorithms; Virtual communications

A couple of videos from the Center for Media and Information Literacy, Temple University, USA
- The Power of Algorithms "Guests Judith Donath and Michael Kearns join host Sherri Hope Culver to share their expertise on algorithms and discuss how they affect our everyday lives."
- A New Reality: Trends in Virtual Communications "Dr. H Branch Cosett, UPENN Neurology professor and operator of a VR lab, and Paige Gross, head technical reporter of Philly, share their expertise on the future of augumented reality."
Photo by Sheila Webber: memories of snow in November 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Information Literacy and fashion

From the most recent issue of priced publication Library Trends:
Warschaw, O. (2021). Information Literacy for Fashion Students: Translating Visual and Tactile Cues into Searchable Key Terms. Library Trends, 70(1), 3-11. "Emerging fashion researchers often have their first experience with visual and tactile research in postsecondary school. Fashion librarians and educators must be able to assist students in adapting their perspective to include analyses of characteristics like color, silhouette, fabric, weave, and embellishment, in addition to familiarity with the fashion scholarship. However, translating visual and tactile cues into searchable vocabulary bridges can be difficult and exposes a gap in information literacy. In this article the author shares three information literacy exercises that librarians may combine with institution-specific resource instruction to guide students in developing a useful vocabulary for image- and object-based research and meeting their unique educational needs." 

A superficial search for other fashion-related articles included:
- Duncan, A. (2019). Crossing the threshold: innovations in information literacy. Spark, 4(1). (open access) "This case study reflects on the use of threshold concepts (Meyer and Land, 2003) within the teaching of information literacy. It describes three embedded classes which were devised and delivered by an Academic Support Librarian, alongside a Fashion Management Course Leader at London College of Fashion. The article examines how and why the sessions were structured around threshold concepts of information literacy, reflecting on the benefits of the intervention."
- Thompson, L. (2017). Fashioning the Framework: Information Literacy for Fashion Studies. Art Documentation, 40(2), 304-315. (priced)
- Art Libraries Society of North America. (2017). ARLIS/NA Core Competencies for Art Information Professionals. (open access)
Photo by Sheila Webber: the wreath at number 29, December 2021

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Source Evaluation: Supporting Undergraduate Student Research Development

The latest article in the open access journal ITLWTLP is:
Iris Jastram, Claudia Peterson and Emily Scharf (2021, 13 October). Source Evaluation: Supporting Undergraduate Student Research Development. In the Library with the Lead Pipe. "Each year since 2008, librarians at Carleton College read samples of sophomore writing as part of the Information Literacy in Student Writing project. The data captured through this project combined with our experiences in consultations and instruction sessions give us a richer understanding of undergraduate information literacy habits. We highlight two challenges for novices: evaluating and selecting sources, and understanding the purpose and methods of integrating sources into written work. We discuss the evidence that leads us to these conclusions and the methods we use to promote student development in these priority areas."
They provide a link to the project website, which includes the rubric they use in marking the work and their marking guidelines

Photo by Sheila Webber: view from Chapelgate window, December 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021

Global MOOC and Online Education Conference

In early December the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance and UNESCO IITE (Institute for Information Technologies in Education) and held the virtual Global MOOC and Online Education Conference 2021.
On the conference page you can see each of the tracks, and if you click on a track you get a short overview of key themes and embedded vidoes of the relevant part of the conference. Tracks included: Equitable and Quality Online and Blended Teaching and Learning; Metaverse and Immersive Technology in Teaching and Learning; Designing and Delivering the Most Career-relevant Online Programs.
Photo by Sheila Webber: the wreath at number 27, December 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Online fact checking training

The Poynter Institute announced, earlier this month, that it is adapting its training sessions on "online fact checking" to Brazil, Spain and Turkey, in partnership with, respectively, Projeto Comprova, Newtral and Istanbul Bilgi University. This is the story on the Poynter website There is information about Poynter's Media Wise project here
Photo by Sheila Webber: Chapelgarth skline, December 2021

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas to all information literacy enthusiasts!

A merry and information literate Christmas to you! As usual on Christmas Day, the photo is of the wreath I made out of offcuts from this year's Christmas tree. It is getting a bit damp outside, but the cool and rain will keep the greenery fresh....

Friday, December 24, 2021

Music and Information literacy

A lazy seasonal search ("information literacy" christmas) failed to find any actual articles applying information literacy in a Christmas context. However, I did get a hit for the word Christmas (albeit in passing) in an article about IL and music, so I decided that I would go with music as the theme for this Christmas Eve blog post. Firstly, the article that mentions Christmas carols in passing:

- Kimball, K. & O'Connor, L. (2010). Engaging Auditory Modalities through the Use of Music in Information Literacy Instruction. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49(4), 316-319. (open access) It gives examples using music relating to the ACRL IL Standards. 

Moving on from the Standards to the Framework:
- Conor, E. (2016). Engaging Students in Disciplinary Practices: Music Information Literacy and the Acrl Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education. Notes, 73(1), 9-21. (not open access) "This article presents possible ways to implement the Framework, using the author’s collaboration with Reed College Associate Professor of Music Morgan Luker as a case study." 

Something different from standards or frameworks from Australia: Lupton's illuminating research into the information literacy of music students and tax law students (also helps you think about what does "information" itself mean in a music context):
- Lupton, M. (2008). Information literacy and learning. PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology. (open access)

Next, a bibliography
- Duffy, M.(2018) Contemporary Analysis of Information Literacy in Music: A Literature Review and Selected Annotated Bibliography. Music Reference Services Quarterly, 21(2), 45-77. (I think this is opne access) 

Finally, a book (definitely not free!)
- Christensen, B., Conor, E. & Ritter, M. (2018). Information Literacy in Music An Instructor's Companion. A-R Editions & Music Library Association.

Photo by Sheila Webber: the wreath at number 24, December 2021

Thursday, December 23, 2021

MIL workshop in Qatar

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Qatar last week held a workshop on Media Information Literacy (MIL), discussing development of MIL in Qatari primary and secondary schools. This is part of a study commissioned by UNESCO Gulf States & Yemen Office in Doha, Qatar. See the release & photos at

Photo by Sheila Webber: Chapelgarth, tree and sky, December 2021

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Information Literacy for Mortals @ProjectInfoLit

The last in Project Infolit's Provocations series for 2021 (14 December) is Information Literacy for Mortals by Mike Caulfield. Caulfield developed the SIFT approach for evaluating information: (S)TOP; (I)nvestigate the Source; (F)ind better coverage; (T)race claims, quotes, and media back to the original context. His blog has interesting discussion on fact checking as well as links to his publications etc. In the Provocation, Caulfield makes an argument that, in terms of fact checking, less can be more, in that if you spend too much time examining sources from every angle it may become confusung rather than illuminating. He also focuses on everyday life "the citizen is often not looking for academic precision, but to make good decisions under conditions of uncertainty". To read the article go to:

Photo by Sheila Webber: walking near Chapelgarth, December 2021

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Recent articles: Journalism; active learning; disciplinary standards; teaching assistants; international students

The last issue of priced journal Portal: libraries and the academy (volume 21 issue 4) includes:
- Redesigning a Journalism Course to Integrate IL: A Case Study by Piotr S. Bobkowski, Karna Younger, John C. Watson
- Participation and Presence: Interrogating Active Learning by Alison Hicks, Caroline Sinkinson
- Teaching Assistants’ Research Assignments and Information Literacy by Glenn Koelling, Alyssa Russo
- An Analysis of References to Information Literacy in National Disciplinary Standards by Kendall Faulkner, Tiffanie Ford-Baxter
- Understanding Ethics and Quality in Information Literacy: A Multidimensional Approach by María Pinto, Dora Sales, Rosaura Fernández-Pascual
- “Hay muchos Méxicos”: A New Approach to Designing International Information Literacy Instruction by Alison Hicks, Bronwen K. Maxson, Betsaida M. Reyes
- Effects of Students’ Demographic and Academic Characteristics on Library Use: A Perspective from Pakistan by Alia Arshad, Faiqa Mansoor, Khalid Mahmood
Go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: the wreath & bells at number 21, December 2021

Monday, December 20, 2021

Half day online course: How to write a literature review

CILIP's Library & Information Research Group has organised an online course on 25 January 2022 10.00-12.30 UK time, How to write a literature review. "Suitable for: those who want to undertake research into an aspect of library practice, those who are interested in doing a systematic or scoping review in relation to library practice." The tutor is Professor Alison Brettle. It covers "Why it is important to undertake a literature review; The difference between a traditional literature review, a scoping review (and when to use them); Challenges and solutions for doing a literature review; Signposting to further resources"
Price (Including VAT) CILIP Member £15; Student/Unwaged £5; Non-member £20. Go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: skyline, Chapelgarth, December 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Final Report: Information Disorder

The Aspen Institute’s Commission on Information Disorder delivered their Final Report: Information Disorder on November 15 2021 and this 80-page report, which particularly focuses on a US context, can be freely downloaded.
Information disorder "denotes the broad societal challenges associated with misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation". They make: Recommendations to increase transparency; Recommendations to build trust; and Recommendations to reduce harms. Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: winter road, Chapelgarth, December 2021

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Webinar: EduMediaTest, an Interactive Tool for Evaluation of Media Literacy Skills in secondary education school students

EKOME in partnership with UNESCO Media & Information Literacy Alliance, Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group has organised a webinar on the EduMediaTest, an Interactive Tool for Evaluation of Media Literacy Skills in secondary education school students on Monday, 20 December 2021, 17.00 - 18.30 EET (Athens time, which is, e.g. 15.00-16.30 UK time) and live streamed through EKOME Facebook (@ekomemedia). Speakers are: Mittzy Arciniega (researcher at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, and scientific coordinator of EduMediaTest project from Spain), Tânia Soares (Head of Media Analysis Department at ERC in Portugal) and Robert Tomljenovic (Vice President of AEM in Croatia). They will present and discuss the MIL challenges set by the new EU project, co-funded by Creative Europe / Media Literacy for All. The webinar will be moderated by Irene Andriopoulou, UNESCO MIL Alliance co-Secretary General and Head of Research, Studies & Educational Department of EKOME, also national partner of EduMediaTest.
The link to the EduMediaTest project is here
Register for the webinar here:
Photo by Sheila Webber: a beautiful day at Chapelgarth, December 2021

Friday, December 17, 2021

New articles: sources in composition essays; supporting English learners; synthesis review services

The latest issue of the open access journal Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (Vol. 16 No. 4) has been published. It includes:
- It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts: Analyzing Student Use of Sources in Composition Research Papers by James W Rosenzweig, Frank Lambert, Mary C. Thill
- Generation 1.5 and Academic Libraries: Strategies for Supporting English Learners (ELs) in Reference and Instruction by Megan Margino Marchese (review article)
- Cultivating Our Practice: A Reflection on Library Synthesis Review Services in the Context of Patient-Oriented Research by Catherine Boden, Angie Gerrard 

plus evidence summaries, including: Library Staff Need More Support in Order to Alleviate Teaching Anxiety and Public Libraries Help Patrons of Color to Bridge the Digital Divide, but Barriers Remain
Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: the wreath at number 17, December 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Webinar: Using Project Outcome to Assess and Improve a First-Year English Composition Information Literacy Program

There is a free webinar which is part of ACRL's Project Outcome, taking place at on 14 January 2022 at 3pm US Central time (which is e.g. 9pm UK time): Closing the Loop: Using Project Outcome to Assess and Improve a First-Year English Composition Information Literacy Program. "Join us for a free webinar with librarians from DeSales University where you will learn how to set up and implement Project Outcome for Academic Libraries in a university library. We will discuss how to handle difficulties of implementation as well as how to process results." Registration at
Photo by Sheila Webber: Xmas wreaths, door no. 16,  December 2021

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Call for proposals: Expanding the Conversation: Digital, Media, and Civic Literacies In and Out of the Library

There is a call for proposals for the 20th Annual Information Literacy Summit, which has the theme Expanding the Conversation: Digital, Media, and Civic Literacies In and Out of the Library, and takes place online on 29 April 2022. It is organised by College of DuPage Library and DePaul University Library, USA. The deadline for proposals is 21 January 2022. 

"We are seeking presenters to lead engaging and interactive discussions about information literacy and library instruction. We are especially interested in breakout sessions and panels which explore the evolving nature of information literacy and are related to this year’s theme" Suggested themes are
"Digital literacies: How do we make invisible algorithms (and their impacts) visible? What do critical digital literacies look like?
"Media literacies: How do we engage with media literacy in the classroom? In our daily lives? How do we evaluate new forms of media and changing information ecosystems?
"Civic literacies: What opportunities do we have to engage with questions around social justice and democratic participation? How does information shape civic engagement?
"Partnerships promoting information literacy across departments, campuses, institutions: How do we work with first year writing programs to embed key literacies into the core curriculum? What are good examples of media information literacy resources that can be reused across institutions?"
For more information and the proposal submission form go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: London view, December 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Recent webinars: Learning analytics; Evidence synthesis

Two recent recordings of Association of College and Research Library (ACRL) webinars:
- Recording of Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays (November 15, 2021) Speakers: Megan Oakleaf, Ken Varnum, Becky Croxton. 1 hour.
- Recording of the ACRL PPIRS (Politics, Policy and International Relations Section) webinar: Evidence Synthesis and politics, policy & international relations [including the librarian's role in evidence synthesis] (December 8 2021). Speakers: Emily Keller, Andrew Dudash, Annelise Sklar, & Sarah Young. 1 hour. They mention the Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group

Photo by Sheila Webber: All that's left of yesterday's snowman, November 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

New articles: librarian researcher; IL course for faculty; ACRL Framework

The latest issue of open access Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship / Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire (CJAL/Rcbu) (volume 7) includes:
- Faculty and Librarian Perceptions of Librarians as Researchers: Results from Semi-Structured Interviews by Maureen Babb ("Librarian research was found to be sometimes unsupported and therefore difficult to conduct, but valuable to librarians and the discipline of librarianship. Additionally, librarian research was found to improve relations between librarians and faculty, and more broadly, was found to create a more collegial academic climate.")
- Insiders' Perspectives on the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy An Interview with Trudi Jacobson and Craig Gibson/ Retour sur le Référentiel de l’ACRL avec ceux qui l’ont créé entretien avec Trudi Jacobson et Craig Gibson by Jean-Michel Lapointe, Craig Gibson, Trudi Jacobson
- Creation of an Online Library Instruction Course for Faculty by Diane Zerr, Tasha Maddison Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: Snowman on the wine, November 2021

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Recent books from ALA: Strategies for Teaching Adult Learners; Scholarly Communications Cookbook

These links are to the e-book versions.
- Miller, M.L. (2021). Mind, Motivation, and Meaningful Learning: Strategies for Teaching Adult Learners. American Library Association, ACRL. ISBN 978-0-8389-3895-9. Cost US $64.00; ALA Member $57.60.
- Buljung, B. & Bongiovanni, E. (Eds) (2021). The Scholarly Communications Cookbook. American Library Association, ACRL. ISBN 978-0-8389-3848-5. Cost US $62.00; ALA Member $55.80.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Greenwich Park, December 2021

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Other blogs: Guest lecturing; Academic skills

Highlighting another couple of posts from other people's blogs:
- National University of Ireland, Galway. (2021, 3 December). Service of the Month: Academic Skills and the Academic Writing Centre. "The Academic Skills Team in the Library supports the information and research needs of NUI Galway undergraduate and taught postgraduate students." They quote the CILIP definition of information literacy and give examples of their resources and services.
- Reece. (2021, 15 November) Learning from Lecturing. BizLibratory. "Recently I had my first experience as a guest lecturer. The students were from a variety of social sciences areas and included (non-business) undergraduate students at all levels. ... This experience also got me thinking about what I could learn from guest lecturing and bring back to the research instruction I do, as well as how to integrate similar types of teaching into my work more regularly. I wanted to share some things I have learned from working on this lecture that I hope to apply to all my teaching." [Author is a business librarian at a Canadian University]
Photo by Sheila Webber: hedges and leaves, November 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021

Webinar: Literacy & Representation: Teaching Media & Visual Literacies Across Communities

The IFLA Audiovisual & Multimedia Section has organised a webinar on 14 December 2021 09.00-10.00 US Eastern time (which is, e.g 14.00-15.00 UK time): Literacy & Representation: Teaching Media & Visual Literacies Across Communities. "Attendees of this presentation will learn how to incorporate media and visual literacy into their classrooms, to be more aware of a variety of perspectives and communities, and how to encourage and create a safe and inviting space where all learners can be vulnerable and grow." Presenters: Nicholae Cline, Librarian for Media Studies, Gender Studies & Philosophy; Jackie Fleming, Librarian for Visual Literacy and Resources; Monique Threatt, Head, Media Services (Indiana University Bloomington Libraries, USA).
Register at
More information at

Photo by Sheila Webber: memories of the farmers market, in August 2021

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Recording: Advancing an International Multi-Stakeholder Framework for Digital Communications Companies to Promote Media and Information Literacy

Embedded below is the recording of an important panel that took place today as part of the Internet Governance Forum, supported by UNESCO and the European Union: Advancing an International Multi-Stakeholder Framework for Digital Communications Companies to Promote Media and Information Literacy. The panellists were: (as Chair) Mr Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-General, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO; Ms Vera Jourova, Vice President and Commissioner, European Commission; Ms Samia Bibars, Minister Plenipotentiary and Director, Monitoring & Crisis Management Department Media & Information Sector, Arab League (Speaking on behalf of the Secretary General of the Arab League); Ms Silvia Bacher, Founder, Las Otras Voces, Member of the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance; Ms Sonia Gill, Secretary General, Caribbean Broadcasting Union; Ms Sinéad McSweeney, Global Vice President of Public Policy, Twitter; and Ms Clair Deevy, Director of Global Policy Programs, WhatsApp. 

It was heartening to hear the speakers, from different regions and sectors, stress the importance of Media and Information Literacy (MIL): it seems that MIL is being propelled further up the agenda internationally. Amongst other things, Mr Jelassi mentioned the recent endorsement by UNESCO's General Council of the of the Windhoek +30 declaration on information as a public good.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

LIRT awards

The ALA LIRT (Library Instruction Round Table) invites nominations for two awards created to recognise excellence in information literacy teaching. Winners receive a US $1,000 award, a plaque, and a US $500 stipend to be used to attend the 2022 ALA Annual Conference. The 2 awards are:
- The LIRT Librarian Recognition Award "honors a practicing librarian for their contributions to information literacy and instruction."
- The LIRT Innovation in Instruction Award "honors a library for their innovative approach to information literacy and instruction."
Deadline for nominations is 15 January 2022. You can self-nominate or nominate someone else.
Further information at
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn leaves, November 2021

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

New articles: Preschool IL; IL and citizenship; Critical insights into IL tutorials; Tutorial for transition to Masters; Doctoral students' & law students' digital literacy; Cartoons

There is a new issue (volume 15 no. 3) of the open-access Journal of Information Literacy. The articles are as follows (there are also conference reports and an editorial):
- Kindergarteners building a library of their own by Hilde Terese Drivenes Moore, Irene Trysnes [a project that involved preschool children creating and sharing digital stories]
- ‘Informed’, ‘active’ and ‘engaged’? Understanding and enacting information literacy from a UK citizenship perspective by Simon Paul Cloudesley
- ‘Babe… you're a bit of a know it all’: Student love and breakup letters to a library research skills tutorial by Danielle Dennie, Susie Breier
- (Mis)information, information literacy, and democracy by Pascal Lupien, Lorna Rourke
- A qualitative investigation of the digital literacy practices of doctoral students by Diane Louise Bell
- Step Up to Masters by Daniel John Pullinger, Jiani Liu [reports on the research and development of an online information literacy resource supprting transition to Masters level study]
- The implementation and embedding of digital skills and digital literacy into the curriculum considering the Covid-19 pandemic and the new SQE by Matthew Carl, Louise Worsfold [SQE=Solicitors Qualifying Examination]
- Capturing the big picture by Navroop Gill, Elena Springall [reports on research into academic librarians perceptions of challenges and supports in teaching information literacy]
- Cartooning the Cambridge University Libraries by Clare Louise Trowell
Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: late autumn tree, November 2021

Monday, December 06, 2021

Webinar: The ACRL Framework ... Shaping the Companion Document for Instruction for Education

There is a free online event focusing on the Education Companion Document to the ACRL Information Literacy Framework, which is being developed. It is on 10 December 2021 at 14.00-15.30 USA Eastern time (which is, e.g. 19.00-20.30 UK time):  The ACRL Framework and Teacher Education: Shaping the Companion Document for Instruction for Education .
"What do education librarians and faculty need from a companion document to the ACRL Framework? The EBSS Instruction for Educators Committee invites you to join colleagues to discuss how the new Education Companion Document to the Framework (a work in progress) could support your work with teacher education faculty and students. This workshop will give you a chance to discuss and provide feedback in small groups. Help shape the new document!" You need to register well in advance, by 17.00 USA Central time (which is, e.g. 23.00 UK time) on 8 December at
This is the link to the draft Instruction for Education: Companion Document for the ACRL Framework. and there is more information about the event here (including discussion questions)
Photo by Sheila Webber: boots and leaves, November 2021

Sunday, December 05, 2021

Others' blog posts: information worlds; storytelling

 A couple of interesting posts from other blogs:
- Little, H.B. (2021, 3 December). Different Information Worlds: More Than a “Filter Bubble”. Knowledge Quest. [Discusses the different information worlds that students, parents and educators may live in, with interesting links to other articles etc.]
- Jarson, J. (2021, 29 October). From clicks toward concepts in the information literacy classroom. ACRL blog. [talks about the value of storytelling]
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn branches, November 2021

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Libguide: Evaluating websites and blogs

 Highlighting another Libguide, this time from the University of Akron School of Law library (USA) on Evaluating websites and blogs, with tabs of information and advice relating to: authority, accuracy, scope, currency, official/authentic sources, fake news. There is an update date of November 15 2021 (though I haven't checked myself that all the links are working etc!) Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: snow animal, November 2021

Friday, December 03, 2021

Rauru Whakarare Evaluation Framework

There is now a te reo version, in addition to the existing English version, of the Rauru Whakarare Evaluation Framework: entitled Rauru Whakarare: He Anga Arotake. This framework was first developed a few years ago, and is introduced thus "The Rauru Whakarare Evaluation Framework provides a kaupapa Māori-informed approach to evaluation that enables us to critique and engage deeply with the information that surrounds us. It is available for teachers, students and librarians in all educational contexts to start a conversation about information quality and its contribution to our learning. We integrated Māori concepts into the framework to promote deeper engagement with the information evaluation process than can be captured using English terms. We believe that the Māori concepts contain an embedded spirituality and metaphor that is often lost in a purely literal English translation." The Framework can be used under a creative commons license, and the page which describes the Framework and links to resources in both languages is here:

Thursday, December 02, 2021

ACRL Information Literacy Framework Libguide

The Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) maintains a Libguide about the ACRL Information Literacy Framework with pages for each frame including variously summaries of the key aspects of the frame, links, ideas for activities, a literature review (mostly dated March/April 2020) for each frame, etc. Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: snowpeople advancing towards the bandstand, November 2021

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Open access book: Metaletramento (Metaliteracy)

There is a Portuguese translation of Tom Mackey and Trudi Jacobson's 2014 book Metaliteracy . It is available as an open online resource 

Mackey, T. & Jacobson, T. (2021). Metaletramento.

I wrote a 2 page preface to the book so I was excited to see my words in Portuguese! It includes the interactive features such as annotating. The translation & publication was supported by The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Research Unit of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) in partnership with UNESCO and ALA/Neal-Schuman Publishing. Mackey & Jacobsen reported this in their Metaliteracy blog.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Webinar: Building trust: Faith leaders engagement in vaccine confidence

An interesting webinar which I think is related to information literacy (evaluation of and trust in information) on 2 December 2021 13.00-14.00 CET (which is, e.g., 12 noon-1pm UK time): Building trust: Faith leaders engagement in vaccine confidence, organised as part of the World Health Organization's Infodemic inititaive.
"A discussion with faith leaders and faith-based organizations highlighting the role of faith leaders in building trust and vaccine confidence during the pandemic response. What were the facilitating factors, and what were the barriers? How can we apply the lessons learned during COVID-19 and for future health emergencies?"
The speakers are: Rabbi Gustavo Kraselnik (Spiritual leader of the Congregation Kol Shearith Israel in Panama since 2002; Executive Director of the Panamanian Jewish Congress; member of the Interfaith Committee of Panama); Priestess Beatriz Schulthess (President, Indigenous Peoples Ancestral Spiritual Council; Honorary President, Religions for Peace, Indigenous, Costa Rica); Judge Mohammad Abou Zeid (Head of the Family Court of Sidon; Imam and preacher at Aisha Mosque in Sidon, Lebanon; independent consultant for World Vision International, wrote the Islamic adaptation of WVI Channels of Hope COVID-19 Vaccine module); Dr Manoj Kurian (Coordinator at Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, World Council of Churches); Sister Agatha O. Chikelue (Executive Director, Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace. Chair, Religions for Peace-International Women's Coordinating Committee). Register at

Photo by Sheila Webber: leaves (before the snow), November 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021

Webinar: media literacy for all

The next EAVI Conversation is on Tuesday 30 November 2021 at 16.00 CET (which is, e.g., 3pm UK time), with Alexandre Le Voci Sayad who is co-Chair of the International Committee of UNESCO's Media and Information Literacy Alliance. The focus is on Media Literacy for all including "Analyse the role of educators and learners; Identify the critical role of developing specific skills nowadays and the significance of lifelong learning; Examine how cities can educate their citizens for the media" Register at

Photo by Sheila Webber: snowman today, November 2021

Sunday, November 28, 2021

New directions in AI: formation of an IFLA Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

There is an online meeting on New directions in AI: formation of an IFLA Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence on 6 December 2021 at 4pm UTC (UK time); 5pm CET; 11am US EST. This exploratory meeting will: "give an overview of the current state of AI in libraries; discuss the goals and objectives; gather 25 signatories who intend to actively participate in the activities of the SIG for a petition to be submitted to the Professional Council; propose a satellite meeting and main session at IFLA WLIC 2022 in Dublin, Ireland." "Artificial intelligence applications are increasingly a part of the library space: in chatbots, embedded in library systems, used for automated indexing and classification, and integral to robots. The IT Section is sponsoring the formation of a Special Interest Group in AI (AI SIG). ... If the SIG is approved we will also hold the first business meeting to nominate a Convenor and seek volunteers to serve in roles including Secretary and Communications Coordinator. Registration at

Friday, November 26, 2021

Recent articles: Workplace information literacy; Information Behaviour in the pandemic

Middleton, L. & Hall, H. (2021). Workplace information literacy: a bridge to the development of innovative work behaviour [IWB]. Journal of Documentation, 77(6), 1343-1363. "The purpose of the work reported in this paper was to investigate a further set of possible determinants of the development of IWB: those that are information-related." using mixed methods "A set of information-related determinants of the development of IWB is evidenced, adding to the list of determinants that are already well documented. Notably workplace information literacy (IL) appears to furnish a bridge between determinants of the development of IWB and workplace learning."

Zimmerman, M.S. (2021). Health information-seeking behavior in the time of COVID-19: information horizons methodology to decipher source path during a global pandemic. Journal of Documentation, 77(6), 1248-1264. The aim was "To determine the differences, as represented by information horizons mapping, in the health information-seeking behavior from a group of participants between March 2019 and April 2020 of the novel coronavirus pandemic." 149 participants drew information horizons maps & did a health literacy test, this was repeated before and after the start of the pandemic "There is a statistically significant difference in the increased number of sources and the ranked quality of the sources that people used during the pandemic. Participants were much more likely to use credible sources and news sources, especially if they were older, more educated and had higher literacy levels – both health and information. They also relied heavily on social media. The participant group in the pandemic had a much heavier reliance on sources that are often used in a passive encountering way but engaging with them in an active information-seeking manner. The health information-seeking behavior in this study did not adhere to other research that found issue with information overload, avoidance and cyberchondria in response to crisis situations." 

Ke, Q., Du, J.T. and Ji, L. (2021). Toward a conceptual framework of health crisis information needs: an analysis of COVID-19 questions in a Chinese social Q&A website. Journal of Documentation, 77(4), 851-870. "This study collected the COVID-19-related questions posted on a Chinese social Q&A website for a period of 90 days since the pandemic outbreak in China. A qualitative thematic approach was applied to analyze the 1,681 valid questions using an open coding process. ... A taxonomy of information need topics for a health crisis context that identifies 8 main categories and 33 subcategories was developed, from which four overarching themes were extracted. These include understanding, clarification and preparation; affection expression of worries and confidence; coping with a challenging situation and resuming normal life; and social roles in the pandemic."
Photo by Sheila Webber: branchlet of autumn leaves, November 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Online event: Nailed It! Stories of Failure, Setbacks, and Where We Go From There

Free online event: Nailed It! Stories of Failure, Setbacks, and Where We Go From There on 3 December 2021 at 9.00-13.00 US Pacific time (which is, e.g., 17.00-21.00 UK time). It is organised by CARLDIG-S (California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group-South).
"This program will offer an opportunity for library professionals to share their encounters with frustration or failure in areas of reference and the lessons they learned. Can you think of a time that, despite your best intentions, things just didn't go according to plan? This is the program for you! While we don't often discuss failure in our lives, it is important to normalize these conversations and embrace failure in our places of work. Failures mean we are experimenting, innovating, and creating new opportunities for growth. Through sharing our own stories, we can inspire others as they work through their own workplace challenges. So let's talk about failure!"
The "Tentative" programme includes lightning talks Instructional Fail: How an Active Learning Activity Led To a Title IX Discussion and What’s the Answer? Lessons Learned from Assessing Tutorial Questions, and breakout topics include IL instruction.
Go here for more information and registration:
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn carpet of leaves, November 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

ACRL Framework companion document: Research Competencies in Writing and Literature

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has just published a Companion Document to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: Research Competencies in Writing and Literature. This elaborates the framework in relation to this subject area. It aims to provide librarians with
"1) concepts for improving information literacy for novice and expert learners of writing and literature,
"2) tools to help create learning objectives for information literacy instruction in these same areas, and
"3) ways to align their teaching practices with the ACRL Framework."
The pdf is at
You can also find this document in the Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks section of the ACRL website
Photo by Sheila Webber: Agapanthus heads, November 2021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Online course: Discovering Google’s databases: meet the hidden family

A UKeiG Zoom Course is Discovering Google’s databases – meet the hidden family, presented by information expert Karen Blakeman. It runs 10.00-13.00 UK time. "This online course looks at Google’s collection of databases, their features, and when and how to use them effectively." The cost, including presentation slides and documentation, is UKeiG/CILIP members £50 + VAT, non-members £80 + VAT 

It is running on 25 November 2021: details here
and 7 December 2021 details here

Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn branchlet, November 2021

Monday, November 22, 2021

Call for contributions: Critical Information Literacy

There is a call for contributions for a Special Issue of the open-acces Journal of Information Literacy on Critical Information Literacy. The issue will be published June 2023 and the deadline for contributions is 9 January 2023. It special issue is edited by Lauren Smith and Alison Hicks.
Contributions "are welcomed in a wide range of formats. We will consider traditional manuscripts focusing on theory or research but are also keen to receive practice-based contributions and those taking unconventional forms. These could include zines, photo- or video-essays, research agendas, collaborative discussions, or audio recordings" As well as contributions, they are seeking mentors to support authors through the process.
They say that the aim "is twofold: to expand on the rich knowledge sharing occurring in critical information literacy practice; and to highlight explorations of this work from a research perspective. What is the nature of the ways the body of theoretical and research literature on critical information literacy is (and is not) reflected in practice? How are social changes influencing discourse in librarianship, and in turn, the boundaries between theory, research and practice related to critical information literacy?"
For more information go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: remembering summer roses 2, June 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Online short courses: Critical Information Literacy; Online Instructional Delivery

Forthcoming Library Juice Academy short online courses include:
- Online Instructional Delivery. December 6 2021 - January 2 2022 Cost US $200. Leader Mimi O'Malley. "This four-week course walks participants through the instructional delivery and facilitation of an online course. The course pays attention to instructor social presence and feedback. This course delves into online instructor strategies for pacing online students on task and remedying student misbehavior in the online classroom." Go to
- Critical Information Literacy. Cost US $300. January 3 - February 13 2022. Leaders: Dawn Stahura, Des Alaniz. "Over the six weeks of this course, we will examine core concepts of critical information literacy and critical pedagogy by discussing descriptive biases and controlled vocabulary, knowledge creation and scholarly communications, critical source evaluation and expertise, and using zines, archives, and cultural objects in instruction to highlight multiplicities of knowledge organization." Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: remembering summer roses, June 2021

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Recent articles: peer observation of teaching; issues of streaming

Catching up on issues of the open access College & Research Libraries News: today volume 82 number 8 (September 2021) which includes:
- Teaching Squares: Improving instruction through observation and self-reflection by Maoria J. Kirker, Mary K. Oberlies, Carolina Hernandez, Sara DeWaay ("Ideally, a square is composed of four instructors from multiple disciplines across the university. Throughout a semester, the square members set goals, observe a class session of each member, reflect on their observations, and meet to share their reflections.")
- Streaming access in a fractured world: Designing LibGuides with student users in mind by Sarah Gilchrist, Debbie Li, Erin Toepfner (looks at issues of streaming media online)
Go to:
Photo by Sheila Webber: Chinese lanterns, November 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021

Understanding Well-being Data @Suoman

An interesting new set of resources based on work by my Information School colleague Dr Susan Oman is Understanding Well-being Data. This online exhibition explores with a critical perspective the questions "What is well-being? How is it understood by different people in different times and places? What is the role of data in understanding well-being, and how can better understanding of well-being data improve shared understanding of societal problems, and make for a more understanding society?"
Go to There are some short animations (I've embedded the first below) and they are based on her new book:
Oman. S. (2021). Understanding Well-being Data:Improving Social and Cultural Policy, Practice and Research. Springer. ISBN-13: 9783030729394

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Webinar: Accessibility Helps You Share More, Share Better

The IFLA Audiovisual and Multimedia Section (AVMS) have organised a 1 hour free webinar Accessibility Helps You Share More, Share Better on 23 November 2021 at 11:30-12:30 (US EST - so, e.g., that is 16.30-17.30 UK time). "We want to share our content with as many people as possible and this means making it accessible. There are many ways to look at accessible content. Some of these are obvious and some are less obvious. Librarian Jessamyn West will look at “born digital” content and share resources and tips to help content producers and sharers reach the widest audience they can."
Registration is required: go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn branches, November 2021

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe #EPALE

EPALE is the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe project, a "multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers." There is a good deal of material on the website, including reports & guides, OERs and MOOCs at

As examples: a recent report published a few weeks ago is Essential needs of educators to support seniors and earlier this month they posted links to various outcomes from a project on How to design, implement and promote change-oriented adult education in the fields of democracy and digitalisation
An upcoming webinar is on 24 November 2021 at 10am CET (which is, e.g., 9am UK time) on Artificial Intelligence and Adult Education, which will be streamed here

Photo by Sheila Webber: scattered autumn leaves, November 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Call for papers: @ISIC2022

There is a call for papers for the 2022 Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) conference which takes place 26-29 September 2022 in Berlin, Germany. "The bi-annual ISIC-conference is the academic home of the Information Behavior research community and focuses on contextualized information activities, expressed in different framings such as ‘information behavior’, ‘information practice’, ‘information seeking’, ‘information experience’ and others." You can submit full or short papers (the complete paper, rather than an abstract), posters, panel discussions or workshops, and there is a doctoral workshop. Deadline for everything except the doctoral workshop is 31 January 2022, deadline for the doctoral workshop is 7 February 2022. More information at

Monday, November 15, 2021

Racism as a Form of Persistent Malinformation @Projectinfolit

The most recent essay in the Project Information Literacy Provocations series is: Tell Me Sweet Little Lies: Racism as a Form of Persistent Malinformation by Nicole Cooke. "Racist/racialized malinformation is the phenomenon of how we are conditioned, socialized, and repeatedly bombarded with racist and negative images and stereotypes. These stereotypes are repeated and normalized until they become malinformation. But how can these deleterious and destructive forces be eliminated? They need to be addressed and battled just as other societal ailments are, and critical cultural literacy can aid in this fight." Cooke explains what she means by critical cultural literacy and its relationship with other literacies, and outlines the persistence of racism as a form of malinformation (malinformation being false information which aims to do harm). Go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn leaves, November 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

How to Teach Critical Thinking

The Reboot Foundation has produced a guide for teachers on How to Teach Critical Thinking. The Reboot Foundation is "devoted to elevating critical thinking." "Based in Paris, the foundation is entirely supported by the generosity of Bruno and Helen Lee Bouygues" so obviously it will reflect their perspectives on critical thinking. However, from a quick scan of the pdf guide (which isn't very long) it looks as though it could provide some useful ideas and activities.
Photo by Sheila Webber: casting a long shadow, November 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

MOOC: Disinformation Step by Step

The YouVerify project (I think this project part of Savoir Devenir) funded by the European Union and based in France, has launched the MOOC: Disinformation Step by Step, which starts on Monday 15 November 2021 and lasts a month. It will be given in three languages: French, Spanish and English and is aimed at a wide range of people including educators, students, journalists, librarians, youth workers. Being a MOOC, it is open and free and you can get a digital badge on completion. It has 6 modules: critical thinking, Media and Information Literacy (MIL), disinformation, verification, refutation and building MIL projects. There is a particular focus on visual disinformation. It is led by MIL expert Professor Davina Frau-Meigs. Register here:


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Call for proposals: SCIL Works

Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL) will host SCIL Works on 28 January 2022 as a virtual half-day conference. This "offers librarians the opportunity to share their best practices, innovative pedagogy, and creative solutions with colleagues. SCIL Works 2022 will focus on the many ways librarians have combined their skills built during the pandemic in online instruction with our new in-person services." The deadline for proposals is 3 December 2021.
Suggested topics may include but are not limited to: The many locations of instruction- zoom, in person, hybrid, outdoors, indoors, small group? Adapting in-person activities for masks and social distancing; Shifting virtual activities (back) to a face-to-face environment or new situations; Ensuring accessibility to a diverse population; Asynchronous vs synchronous instruction; Student engagement; Managing behind-the-scenes work Proposals can be for a presentation (20-minute presentation where the presenter shares his/her research or an effective program or practice with participants, with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A.) or Lightning Round (live, 5-minute poster session or slide deck. This presentation could briefly describe a program or initiative, highlight an online tool or tutorial, or exhibit an assessment process or instrument.)
Complete the Proposal Submission form by 3 December 2021:
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn sky, November 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Webina 11 November: Launch of the Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Development Guidelines #MILCLICKS

The launch of the Launch of the Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Development Guidelines, co-organized by UNESCO and the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the European Commission takes place on 11 November 2021 at 15.00-16.30 (CET) (which is, e.g., 14.00-15.30 UK time). UNESCO published the revised MIL curriculum Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think critically, Click Wisely in September 2021 (with the summary version published earlier in April 2021) and now they are producing these standards.
"The Standards focus on necessary processes at various levels of society and offer an integrated set of core and common learning outcomes that all stakeholders seeking to develop integrated curricula on media and information literacy should consider. This document is a non-prescriptive policy brief. Its primary target groups are policy makers responsible for curricula development and media and information literacy related programmes, curriculum developers and planners, educators, NGO leaders, experts and practitioners implementing media and information literacy related curricula." They say that "This resource will be made available in multiple languages for all Member States of UNESCO, as well as civil society actors" and I will post a link when it is available. Register for the event at

Monday, November 08, 2021

Edumedia test

The EduMediaTest has been developed within the European Commission's Media Literacy for All programme. It is "an online questionnaire designed to carry out an initial assessment of the media literacy of pupils aged 14 to 18, as well as to improve their media skills, based on the results obtained, using training materials that are freely available on this website" If you fill in your details you will be given a code so you can access the questionnaire and administer it to learners. You do not get individual feedback for each learner, but aggregated feedback for the whole cohort that you tested, one result for each of 6 dimensions: language; technology; reception [of the media message]; production & diffusion; ideology; aesthetics. The idea is that then you are able to discuss the results with the class and devote more time to developing the aspects that the class did less well in. There are some support/training materials provided for each dimension, which include at least some of the questions (I don't know if it is all of them, since I haven't applied for the questionnaire), and the follow up material you might use to explore the issue further. In fact this could be useful even if you don't use the questionnaire. The material is available in several European langauges; English, Irish Gaelic, Catalan, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Slovenian and Croatian. Go to