
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

WLIC 2006 Soeul - another call for papers

The IFLA Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres is calling for proposals for papers and posters for the Section's Open Session to be held as part of the 2006 World Library and Information Congress in Seoul, South Korea 2006. The theme of is Information Literacy for Young People: Evolving Models in a Changing World. Proposals that consider schools, school libraries, children's libraries, or home schooling environments will be considered. The Section is also seeking proposals for Posters on the same theme. Note that IFLA does not meet conference registration, travel or accommodation costs for presenters, nor does it provide financial support.

Proposals should include the following information:
Title of Proposed Paper or Poster; Name of Presenter/s; Contact Information (mailing address, fax, email); Abstract of Paper or Poster (200-300 words); Short Biography of Presenter/s (maximum 100 words each.

Proposals may be submitted by air mail, fax, or email, to:
Prof. James Henri; Division of Information & Technology Studies; Faculty of Education; The University of Hong Kong;

31 January 2006: Deadline for submission of proposals
28 February 2006: Notification of acceptance of proposals
15 April 2006: Submission of full papers.
(Photo by S. Webber: WLIC banner in Oslo, Aug. 2005)