
Thursday, January 19, 2006

LILAC conference programme

Th LILAC conference full provisional programme is available. The LILAC (information literacy) conference is being held at the University of Leeds, UK, 27th-29th March 2006.
Keynote speakers include:
Lynne Brindley - The British Library; Peter Brophy - Centre for Research in Library & Information Management, Manchester Metropolitan University; Philip Candy - Director of Education, Training and Development, NHS Connecting for Health; Jonathan Douglas - Museums, Libraries and Archives Council; Dorothy Williams - Dept. of Information Management, The Robert Gordon University.
Conference themes: Embedding and enriching; Information Literacy and citizenship; New areas of practice and research; Practical approaches to Information Literacy; Staff development and Information Literacy; Strategic approaches to Information Literacy.
Further details at: bysubject/informationliteracy/lilac/lilac2006