
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Scottish IL meeting

SALCTG and the CILIP CSG ILG are running a course Information Literacy in Academic Libraries in Glasgow, Scotland, on 28th April . Cost is £45 including lunch.
- Information literacy: what is it and why is it important? (Debbi Boden and Ruth Stubbings)
- A quick fix for all? - Embedding IL into the curriculum (Hannah Hough)
- Measuring (or trying to) information literacy (John Crawford)
- But we've done the library tour already (Chris Powis)

Numbers are limited to 25. Contact Anabel Marsh,, giving your full name, institution name, postal address, email address, and order number (if applicable). Please also mention any special requirements, e.g. diet, access.

Photo by S. Webber: Sculpture in the Italian Centre, Glasgow.

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