
Friday, May 26, 2006

Spanish information literacy

As I said below, I was away on holiday in Spain for a few days (and thanks to Stuart for posting a couple of posts I'd "prepared earlier" as well as his own, while I was away). Coincidentally there is a Spanish flavour to some of the entries at the moment. Via the FORMIST blog (see right) I learnt about a recent meeting in Toledo, Spain in February: presentations from this have been put on the web (all in Spanish, covering various aspects of information literacy). The conference website is at

Presentations were: Conceptualización de la ALFIN (Cristóbal Pasadas, Universidad de Granada; La aplicación de la ALFIN (José Antonio Gómez Hernández, Universidad de Murcia); La evaluación de la ALFIN (Judith Licea, Universidad Autónoma de México); La integración de la ALFIN en las políticas (Daniel Pimienta, FUNREDES, República Dominicana); Conferencia de clausura (Miguel Pereyra); and then conclusions from various working groups. The delegates also produced the Declaración de Toledo "Bibliotecas por el aprendizaje permanente" (which I think could be translated as "libraries for lifelong learning") at

Photo by Sheila Webber: The "Biblio Metro" public library inside the Madrid (Spain) metro (underground). It has 2 library assistants inside and people were borrowing books as I watched last week.

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