
Sunday, June 11, 2006

i-skills follow-up

The following is copied from a posting by Helen Conroy to the lis-infoliteracy list. "JISC has funded Netskills to run a series of free workshops as part of the Staff Information Skills Set programme, aimed at university/ college managers and administrators. Two projects (based at Leeds and Loughborough Universities) have also been funded to exemplify the 'i-skills' model in specific job roles. The Netskills programme aims to disseminate the JISC 'i-skills' publications (, along with promoting the importance of these skills in the workplace. A self-assessment will form part of the core materials of the day, which will later be made available to institutions as a 'toolkit'. The toolkit will include pointers to development opportunities and relevant resources, which institutions could tailor to job roles and to point to their own resources. " Details of the events at :

Photo by Sheila Webber: Frog detail on building, central Stockholm, April 2006.

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