
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Our French research article

The article which was based on the presentation that Stuart Boon and I gave in Lyon last year (where I took this photo of lavender) has been published, as part of the French-language proceedings of the conference. It was kindly translated into French by Sylvie Chevillotte. The English title was "British academics from different disciplines: comparing their conceptions of pedagogy for information literacy." By the way, at the moment Bill's name is missing from the article, but it should be there!

Webber, S., Boon, S. and Johnston, B. (2006) "Comparaison des conceptions pédagogiques de la maîtrise de l’information chez des universitaires britanniques de différentes disciplines." Actes des 5èmes Rencontres Formist: Lyon: 2005. Lyon: ENSSIB.

The whole proceedings (in French) are at and the overall theme, focusing on IL and discipline, was Parcours de formation documentaire des étudiants : à qui de jouer ? Développer les compétences informationnelles dans un cursus disciplinaire

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