
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Standards for teaching in lifelong learning sector

After a consultation process, in December 2006 LLUK published standards for those engaged in any type of teaching in the further education sector. They "describe, in generic terms, the skills, knowledge and attributes required of those who perform the wide variety of teaching and training roles undertaken within the sector with learners and employers." (pII) Five "domains" are identified, with standards for each domain: Domain A: Professional values and practice; Domain B: Learning and teaching; Domain C: Specialist learning and teaching; Domain D: Planning for learning; Domain E: Assessment for learning; Domain F: Access and progression.

This is obviously interesting for those in further education, but I think can also be of interest to other sectors. There is interest both for librarians (and information departments) considering what librarians need to know as teachers, and in terms of implications for curricula that librarians might be teaching into. Unfortunately the document does not seem to specifically identify librarians as people who sometimes have a teaching role, but it says that these standards apply to anyone who teaches. It identifies information skills as being part of Domain B (Learning and Teaching) so you would expect to see information skills incorporated into curricula for further education teachers. I think that Chris Armstrong had mentioned that there was input from the library and information sector to the consultation. The specific standards relating to information are (BK5.1 are the standrad numbers, in this case standard 5.1 relating to knowledge in domain B):

In terms of knowledge "Teachers in the lifelong learning sector know and understand:
"BK 5.1 The impact of resources on effective learning.
"BK 5.2 Ways to ensure that resources used are inclusive, promote equality and support diversity."
and in terms of progfessional practice "Teachers in the lifelong learning sector:"
"BP 5.1 Select and develop a range of effective resources, including appropriate use of new and emerging technologies.
"BP 5.2 Select, develop and evaluate resources to ensure they are inclusive, promote equality and engage with diversity." (p6)

Lifelong Learning UK (2206) New overarching professional standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector. London: LLUK.

Photo by Sheila Webber: Tree and telephone wires, dusk, Blackheath, December 2006.

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