
Monday, April 23, 2007

Management Development Programme

Today I'm in Glasow, as External Examiner on the Management Development Programme of the University of Strathclyde's Business School. This is an interesting programme with modules in the first 3 years for all undergraduate students in the business school. It covers key areas such as teamworking, problem solving, information handling, business ethics, leadership, and it is delivered in a problem solving approach. Students work in teams, there are few large plenary sessions and there is a variety of coursework: learning diaries, presentations, online statistics tests etc. There are over 500 students taking it in each year. The site for the programme is here. An article about it is:
Johnston, B. and Watson, A. (2004) "Participation, reflection and integration for business and lifelong learning: Pedagogical challenges of the integrative studies programme at the University of Strathclyde Business School." Journal of Workplace Learning, 16 (1/2), 53-62.
Photo by Sheila Webber: the grand former Post Office on George Square, Glasgow, has been empty for years. They have now gutted it entirely inside (I think it will be "lifestyle apartments")

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