Free on the web:
Hughes, Hilary E. and Bruce, Christine S. and Edwards, Sylvia L. (2007) "Models for reflection and learning: a culturally inclusive response to the infomation literacy imbalance." In: Andretta, S, (Eds) Change and challenge: Information literacy for the 21st century, pp. 59-84. Adelaide: Auslib Press. Available from QUT e-print archive:
Irving, C. and Crawford, J. (2007) "Information literacy: a framework for life." Library and information update, 6 (7). (Discusses Scottish Framework and the background to it)
Bombaro, C. (2007) "Using audience response technology to teach academic integrity: 'The seven deadly sins of plagiarism' at Dickinson College." Reference Services Review, 35 (2), 296-309. "This paper seeks to explore the successes and challenges associated with teaching first-year students a session on plagiarism avoidance through the use of an audience response system."
Emmett, A. and Emde, J. (2007) "Assessing information literacy skills using the ACRL standards as a guide." Reference Services Review, 35 (2), 210 - 229. "The purpose of this study is to obtain preliminary evidence over a three-year period on the efficacy of a curriculum designed to foster information literacy skills in graduate students in a chemistry bibliography course."
Mizrachi, D. and Bedoya, J. (2007) "LITE Bites: broadcasting bite-sized library instruction." Reference Services Review, 35 (2), 249 - 256. "This paper sets out to describe a successful collaboration between the UCLA Library and a campus-based student television production team to create and broadcast a series of short library commercials."
Hughes, Hilary E. and Bruce, Christine S. and Edwards, Sylvia L. (2007) "Models for reflection and learning: a culturally inclusive response to the infomation literacy imbalance." In: Andretta, S, (Eds) Change and challenge: Information literacy for the 21st century, pp. 59-84. Adelaide: Auslib Press. Available from QUT e-print archive:
Irving, C. and Crawford, J. (2007) "Information literacy: a framework for life." Library and information update, 6 (7). (Discusses Scottish Framework and the background to it)
Bombaro, C. (2007) "Using audience response technology to teach academic integrity: 'The seven deadly sins of plagiarism' at Dickinson College." Reference Services Review, 35 (2), 296-309. "This paper seeks to explore the successes and challenges associated with teaching first-year students a session on plagiarism avoidance through the use of an audience response system."
Emmett, A. and Emde, J. (2007) "Assessing information literacy skills using the ACRL standards as a guide." Reference Services Review, 35 (2), 210 - 229. "The purpose of this study is to obtain preliminary evidence over a three-year period on the efficacy of a curriculum designed to foster information literacy skills in graduate students in a chemistry bibliography course."
Mizrachi, D. and Bedoya, J. (2007) "LITE Bites: broadcasting bite-sized library instruction." Reference Services Review, 35 (2), 249 - 256. "This paper sets out to describe a successful collaboration between the UCLA Library and a campus-based student television production team to create and broadcast a series of short library commercials."
Photos by Sheila Webber: Top photo - trying to pick cherries from top of tree through the bedroom window; 2nd photo - the tree, before the pesky birds ate most of the cherries.
Thanks very much for the cite to my article, Sheila. I'm happy to answer any questions about my article or share the actual presentation if anyone wants to see it.