
Friday, August 24, 2007

Librarians cited in Australian teaching awards

Picked up from the ALIA list: The Carrick Institute Citations for Outstanding contributions to Student Learning included librarians who have demonstrated excellence in information literacy in Australian universities.
Murdoch University: Merrilee Albatis, Pam Mathews, Margaret Solosy, Soun Wong: For the development and delivery of a flexible program to enhance student information literacy, embedded within the first year degree structure
Queensland University of Technology: Judith Peacock: For developing and leading systemic and sustainable models of intentional information literacy learning which empowers students as independent, discerning and masterful users of information
The University of Sydney: Jacqueline Hicks: For specialised expertise in supporting the diverse learning and information literacy needs of students across a range of subject areas and candidature levels

I see there was also a team in Information Studies at Curtin University who were mentioned. Congratulations to all and there is info on the Carrick Institute website:
Phot by Sheila Webber: Shop in Paddington, Sydney, Australia, July 2004.

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