
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Information visualisation

I was looking at the top hits for information literacy on, and one of the top ones was at , Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business, an outcome of a European research project. There are materials on Business and communication and Engineering and communication online from modules in these areas. You can look at them as a guest and I think that guest who register can also work through interactive tutorial material, but I didn't try to do that. The conetent includes a small information visualisation wiki. I notice that Edward Tufte's books are still there as classics. The cataloguer in me also notes that they list Harris, R. Information Graphics: a comprehensive illustrated reference. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195135326, with 2 different publication dates (1999 and 2000). The OUP site says 2000.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Nettles, Hailsham, July 2007.

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