
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Potential students' use of ICT

Thanks to Andy Powell for highlighting this JISC study into UK students' expectations about information technology at university. There were 3 discussion groups totalling 27 students plus 500 respondents to an online questionnaire. Instant messaging and sites like Facebook/Myspace were most used. "In the qualitative discussions, the internet emerges as a research resource more than anything, whether for schoolwork or information in general (news, gossip)." The students expect certain IT facilities to be available as a matter of course.

"HEIs need to bear in mind the ubiquity of social networking – 88% of online respondents use these websites, although only in a social context. Respondents found it hard to imagine using social networking sites for coursework or study, and had reservations about this when presented with the scenario. Universities therefore need to explain how social networking tools relate to learning, if they choose to use these methods "

Ipsos MORI. (2007) Student Expectations Study: Key findings from online research and discussion evenings held in June 2007 for the Joint Information Systems Committee. JISC.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, August 2007.

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