
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Scottish Framework

John Crawford writes "I am pleased to announce that the Scottish Information Literacy Project has secured funding from Eduserv to pilot the draft National Information Literacy Framework Scotland with our Project partners. As part of the funding Eduserv would like there to be an emphasis on looking at the impact which the Framework is having on practice / affecting what is happening in educational institutions. ... A new webpage has been added to the project website - this outlines the specific activities and outcomes we are working to within the piloting exercise."
It is worth noting that Eduserv also hosts the Information Literacy website (maintained by the CILIP information literacy group), funded a couple of small scale information literacy and they have donated prizes to my Department for the best information literacy dissertations and topics. Also, of course, they are hosts to the Centre for Information Literacy Research in Second Life.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Autumn 2004

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