
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Survey of school principals etc.

"62% of [school] Principals and Media Specialists See Danger on the Internet Increasing with Pornography Rated Just Ahead of Predators" is the alarming subtitle advertising a study commissioned by Thinkronize and carried out by Interactive Educational Systems Design in September 2007. Thinkronize have a search engine/filtering product they are aiming at schools, it should be noted. Nevertheless, it seems a reasonable piece of research and the full report is available online. "96% [of the respondents, numbering over 900 people] have varying degrees of concerns that students have the necessary information literacy skills to critically evaluate online content. 88% "strongly/somewhat" agree that teachers need additional professional development to help students with online information literacy skills."
Interactive Educational Systems Design, Inc (2007) Schools and Generation ’Net: Online Survey of Principals and Library Media Specialists About the Internet in Education. New York: Thinkronize.

Photo by Sheila Webber: Door of the Stiftungsbibliothek, St Gallen, Switzerland, Novermber 2007.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how a kid safe web search can protect against online child predators who get hold of kids through social networking web sites and chat rooms.
