
Friday, January 11, 2008

E-learning call

The IFLA e-learning discussion group is planning an interactive discussion session on e-learning at the next IFLA World Library & Information Congress: 10-14 August 2008, Québec, Canada. They seek proposals which focus on a learner centred approach to e-learning - in continuing professional development/ workplace learning, information literacy programs and LIS education. You might be exploring questions such as: What does a learner centred approach mean for both the environment and the teaching method? How is the learner taken into account when planning and presenting e-learning programs?
The format is short 15 minute presentations followed by facilitation of discussion. Proposals may be submitted in English, French or Spanish. Send proposals (300-500 words abstract, name, position, affiliation, address, phone, short biography) by February 1st 2008 to the Co-Convenors of the IFLA e-Learning Discussion Group, Anna Maria Tammaro, Sylvie Chevillotte Ian Smith
A formal paper, for inclusion on the IFLA conference website, will be required by May.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Hailsham, January 2008.

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