
Thursday, January 03, 2008

UNESCO objectives

The IFLA information society working group recently drew attention to UNESCO's latest strategy document. A search of the pdf did not reveal any occurrances of the term "information literacy" (although, as noted in a previous blog entry, one of the UNESCO staff has IL as part of her remit). However, there are paragraphs which indicate commitment to IL concepts: I quote here paras 103-105.
"103. Providing equitable, appropriate and affordable access to communication and information for all is a fundamental requirement for building knowledge societies. Universal access – and knowledge creation and dissemination – depend on an environment that facilitates inclusive communication and information processes involving engagement at all levels, from global, regional, and national entities to local communities and individuals.
"104. In the pursuit of this strategic objective at the global and national levels, UNESCO will promote and advocate for policies bolstering freedom of expression and the right to information. Strong support will be given to initiatives creating in Member States the conditions for media and information networks – including the Internet and new media – to function in a democratic setting and to exercise freedom of expression rights.
"105. UNESCO will also support institutional efforts to build in various countries the capacities of information and communication professionals to create, disseminate and preserve information and knowledge while upholding high ethical and professional standards. Attention will also be paid to promoting the use of multi-platform technologies in order to improve the processing, creation, presentation and dissemination of content. UNESCO will also enhance the capacities of users to access, analyse and determine the relevance and quality of information beneficial to their needs. Particular emphasis will be placed on integrating women in these processes on an equal basis and building the capacities of young people." (p29)
UNESCO. (2007) Medium term strategy. 34 c/ 4. UNESCO.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Giong down before the race, Lingfield Park, December 2007.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news, indeed a step in the right direction.
