
Friday, June 13, 2008

PPts from Scottish conference

The presentations from the CILIP Scotland conference are online. There are 2 directly concerning information literacy: Information literacy: tools and resources "An introduction to the Information Literacy Framework and Portal for health information. Presented by Eilean Craig and Rob Westwood" and Teaching information literacy to the net generation "A description of how the National Library of Estonia is teaching information literacy skills to young people, presented by Hela Ojasaar" All the presentations are on Slideshare at, scroll down to see the Info Literacy ones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheila,

    Thanks for referencing us here. I'm a big fan of your IL weblog so it was really nice to be mentioned on it.

    I recently set up my own blog at . It's not exclusively about IL but since I work in IL there is sure to be lots of content around this.

    Thanks again and keep on blogging!

    Rob Westwood
    NHS Education for Scotland
