
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Health libraries review/ framework

Health librarians in England will be well aware of the National Service Framework of Quality Improvement for NHS funded library services in England, but this may be of interest to those beyond (note to non-Brits: the National Health Service is UK-wide but the home nations have powers which result in some differences in policy and practice).
The report identifies three "key business objectives" for library services: Commissioning, Access and information/knowledge services staffing. Information literacy is the only subsection within Access. The associated outcome is that "Library/knowledge services provide opportunities to develop information literacy and evidence based health skills. ... All those who work to improve patient and population health are aware of pertinent services and resources and know how to use them." The goals include developing a national information literacy curriculum and "Training should be provided by staff that have completed a teaching skills course" Close liaison with higher education and public libraries is recommended. You can find both the Framework document and the review of library services at

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