
Monday, August 30, 2010

Contribute your ideas for future events on Infolit iSchool, in Second Life

On Tuesday August 31 there will be a discussion in the virtual world, Second Life: Contribute your ideas for future events on Infolit iSchool (our SL island devoted to literacies and learning)
When: Tuesday August 31st, 12 noon SLT (which is 8pm UK time, see for start time in other countries)
Where: Infolit iSchool
We already have lined up for Oct/Nov 2010: talks from Alexandria Knight (Esther Grassian outside Second Life) & Adra Letov (Diane Nahl outside SL) and Sheila Yoshikawa (i.e. me) plus a reading group! But we want more! Come with more ideas of visits, discussions, events to do with information literacy, digital literacies and learning.

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