
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

IFLA #wlic2012 Information Literacy Section 2nd meeting

Today was the second meeting of the standing committee of the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Information Literacy Section. I will pick out a few things that were discussed.
1. There was a report back on a session yesterday which was about the work of UNESCO, in particularly the Information For All Program, and the involvement of IFLA in UNESCO. Our chair, Maria Carme Torras, presented the joint work on Media and Information Literacy.
2. Looking to next year (August 2013, in Singapore), it looks like we will have a session with the Literacy and Reading Section, on intragenerational literacy and information literacy. This theme was already part of the Literacy and Reading session yesterday e.g. this paper: Promoting inter-generational literacy: the case of Gayaza Family Learning Resource Centre (GFLRC) programme in Central Uganda where mothers read and write with their children by NAPAGI AUGUSTINE TIMOTHY (Gayaza Family Learning Resource Centre, Kampala, Uganda). The other conference sessions aren't fixed yet. I mentioned in my previous post that we will have a pre-conference satellite meeting in Singapore, for which planning is well advadnced, Defining and redefining Information Literacy and Reference Services in the Digital Age. A call for papers will go out fairly soon.
3. We had further discussion about the project on the profile of the Information Literacy professional. As I am coordinating this, you will hear lots more about it on this blog! The goal is to develop sector-specific, and country/lamguage-specific profiles of the Information Literacy Professional. The first phase will be gathering relevant existing documents and ideas.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Helsinki Cathedral, August 2012

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