
Monday, September 17, 2012

Journal club in SL: 19 September (designing a tutorial)

What: Journal Club, led by Sheila Webber (i.e. me), Sheffield University iSchool (Sheila Yoshikawa in Second Life (SL). Every month we have a discussion about a selected article; all are welcome, just turn up; you need a SL avatar and the SL browser installed on your computer.

When: 19 Sept, 12 noon to 1pm Second Life time (which is the same as US Pacific time; 8pm-9pm UK time, see for times elsewhere)

Where: Journal club room, Infolit iSchool, in the virtual world Second Life (That takes you to a map, you click Teleport to activate the SL browser)

Paper for discussion (about developing and use testing a tutorial on academic integrity, at Aukland University):
Wang, L. (2012) "Designing an interactive virtual learning environment (VLE) with a learner centered approach." In: IFLA World Library and Information Conference 2012: Helsinki August 2012: Programme proceedings. Available from

There will be a 10 minute introduction to the paper in voice and then a discussion in text chat. Potential discussion questions include:
- what kinds of user-testing have you done with tutorials?
- have you encountered the same responses/ issues as the author?
- have you used similar tools and colleagues when developing tutorials?

A Sheffield iSchool Centre for Information Literacy Research Event

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