
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Media and Information Literacy: strength through diversity

I realised I hadn't blogged about my video presentation shown at the International Conference on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for Knowledge Societies in Moscow, Russian Federation in June. As I mentioned before, I was invited to the conference but then wasn't able to attend in person, so I produced a video which was shown at the event. It is just 17 minutes long, and is called Media and Information Literacy: strength through diversity. In it I talk how it is valuable to explore and celebrate cultural and national diversity in information literacy, and this national perspective might also encourage national governments to value it.

There are many presentations and pictures from the Moscow conference online here. Just to take a few examples at random, they include:
- An analysis of concept of information literacy by Serap KURBANOGLU, Hacettepe University, Turkey
- Mapping out media and information literacy by Jarosław LIPSZYC, The Modern Poland Foundation, Poland
- Computer literates and information illiterates by Gordana LJUBANOVIC, National Library of Serbia, Serbia
- Placing media and information literacy at the core of instruction ( Presentation / Paper) by Jagtar SINGH, Punjabi University, Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science, India
- Children and the new media literacy: an Egyptian case study by Samy TAYIE, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, Mentor Association, Egypt

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