
Friday, May 31, 2013

cfp #ifutures2013 conference

Sheffield University's Information School (i.e. my department!) has organised iFutures, a one-day conference on Thursday 25 July in Sheffield, UK, to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Information School. Run by and for doctoral students in the Information Science community, and based on the theme of The Next 50 Years the aim is to create an event for IS researchers and practitioners of the future to explore the potential impact of our research, and determine how we can help shape our discipline, both in academia and beyond.
The call for papers is open, with abstracts to be submitted by the deadline of 16 June 2013.  
Submissions are welcomed from doctoral researchers working in any area of information science or in related fields, including information retrieval, knowledge management, informatics or library and information studies. It doesn't matter whether you are studying part-time or full-time, or where you are based, do consider participating. There are several options for presentation format (Paper, Poster, and Pecha Kucha) and a prize of £100 in Amazon vouchers for the best submission in each category.
Diane Sonnenwald, Chair of Information and Library Studies at the School of Information and Library Studies at UCD, Dublin, and Vanessa Murdock, Principal Applied Researcher at Bing (Microsoft) will give keynotes.
More information on the website at; the twitter account is @ifutures2013 and hashtag is #ifutures2013

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