
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New issue of Codex: assessment focus

Volume 2 number 3 of Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL has been published. It is open access, but you need to register. Articles include:
- "Assessment of Information Literacy: A Critical Bibliography": Robin Brown, Phyllis Niles (pp.100-149). An interesting annotated bibliography: as you can tell from the following extract from the abstract, the comments are personal to the authors "The authors focused on actual research studies, eliminating purely theoretical discussions, as valuable as they may be. The undergraduate population was the primary focus, in keeping with the authors’ context of a community college. Assessment of student learning was also a primary parameter as well ... This is a critical bibliography. The authors have highlighted the articles that they felt are most important, or most interesting. The commentary is not really systematic, so the lack of any particular point of view in a summary should not be taken as a criticism. The authors hope that readers will get an overview of the field of assessment of information literacy, and perhaps have their curiosity sparked or rekindled."
- "Assessing Undergraduate Information Literacy Skills Using Project SAILS": J.B. Hill, Carol Macheak, John Siegel (pp.23-37)
Photo by Sheila Webber: Dessert and tea at Betty's tea rooms, June 2013.

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