
Friday, July 12, 2013

MOOCs and libraries #mooclib

I am at the at the first EuropeanMOOCs and libraries event #mooclib and it started with an introduction from Belinda Tynan, Pro Vice Chancellor, Learning and Teaching, The Open University. The subtitle of the conference is "the good, the bad and the ugly" (a reference to the Clint Eastwood film) and Belinda asked us to briefly discuss which of these we thought we were. Some of us thought, as regards MOOCs, at the moment we might be more like the extras who got downed by a stray bullet from Clint .... I have been thinking about MOOCs and information literacy for some time, and I have come along to this conference as part of the process of making those IL MOOC plans more concrete. Otherwise, Belinda highlighted the overall context of changes in the higher education landscape and the choices and opportunities for learners. The conference is chaired by Nicky Whitsed, Open University Libraries, by the way. I will be liveblogging the event.
Photo taken in the Pullman Hotel, London, where the conference is.

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