
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

IFLA Information Literacy Section Committee 2nd meeting #wlic2013

Today we had the 2nd of our Information Literacy Section Committee meetings, at the IFLA conference in Singapore. In case you are ever at an IFLA conference, all the sections' committee meetings are open to observers (and certainly in our committee, observers are welcome to comment and contribute).
The new chair, Sharon Mader, started (after introductions) by clarifying that to get to the old Infolitglobal directory of infolit resources (links/ information on reports, training courses, websites etc.) you go to the site and (1) register for the website (free) and login and (2) join the "Information Literacy" community (go to the community page and then click on the left). The link to the Directory then appears half way down the page. Hopefully we will be able to change this so you don't have to go through all that in order to see the directory (it may be because at the moment the directory has been transferred but not checked).
I already blogged several presentations from the session on "civic literacies" and it looks like there will be a book on the topic (in the IFLA series) coming out of that session and out of the conference on the same topic that took place in Riga (the papers for the conference are here:
The structure of IFLA groups is mainly into Sections (focused on a particular activity area e.g. Information Literacy, School Libraries or a particular region) and these sections are gathered together into Divisions (see here Maria-Carme Torras i Calvo has moved to a Divisional position and she reported on this.
After this we started to sort out who will be convening the events for next year's IFLA: there will be a satellite preconference in Limerick, and then in the main programme (the main conference in 2014 is in Lyon) there will be a session with the Education and Training Section, and another session with Health and Biosciences Section on health literacy. We also talked a little about the plans for the following year.
Finally we talked about future projects e.g. following on from the IFLA Trends report that I blogged about earlier. The website for the section is at and here is the blog
Photo by Sheila Webber: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, August 2013

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