
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Model to develop texttotechno intergenerational literacies #wlic2013

Information literacy and cultural heritage for lifelong learning: applying the model to develop texttotechno intergenerational literacies was presented by Kim Baker (Library and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa). This was in the second session which was co-organised by the Information Literacy section, with the Reading and Literacy group at the IFLA World library and Information Conference in Singapore on Intergenerational literacies.
Her full paper is at and she has also written a book

She felt that libraries (unlike museums) have not taken a fundamental introspection into the nature and assumptions about cultural heritage. She felt that it would be possible to take the best of library and museum practice to create a model for lifelong learning. In terms of content concerned with cultural heritage, there were many related issues which make it important to ask many questions about the context of content (who created it? why? etc.) and this is not just about accuracy/authority, it is to see the cultural, social, political context.
In terms of intergenerational literacy, processes are:
- "Discover" where faciltators' tasks might include highlighting differences between text and print, and the learner to use the discovery tools.
- "Learn"
- "Evaluate" which includes training in critical thinking, and facilitating role-play in analysing information, and teh learners' tasks includes practicing cultural sensitivity and noting moral, legal and ethical issues.
- "Create"
- "Share" including attention to constructive feedback!
- "Modify"
The speaker identified that such training for lifelong could result in outcome "I see you": people understanding each others' contexts. As regards measurement of these processes, personal meaning mapping was recommended (reflecting on various aspects of its meaning to yourself).

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