
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Report from the IFLA conference: given in Second Life: 29 August

What: Report on information literacy presentations etc. from the World Library and Information Conference (IFLA conference), from Sheila Webber , Sheffield University Information School (i.e., me, Sheila Yoshikawa in Second Life)
When: Thursday August 29th, 12.30 SL time (which is the same as US Pacific time, 8.30pm UK time, 3.30pm US Eastern Time, see for times elsewhere)
Where: On Infolit iSchool, in the virtual 3D world, Second Life,
*NB* You need the Second Life browser (different from a normal web browser) installed on your computer, and need a Second Life avatar, to participate. Contact me if you have any questions about this.
What: The IFLA (World Library and Information) Conference is the premier international library conference, held every August. This year it was in Singapore. Sheila Yoshikawa (Sheila Webber, Sheffield University iSchool outside SL) will give a report on the IFLA conference and on the information
literacy satellite pre-conference (at which she was a keynote speaker).
All welcome! The event will have a voice introduction and discussion in text chat, and last for one hour
A Sheffield iSchool Centre for Information Literacy Research event
Photo by Sheila Webber: Butterfly garden, Singapore airport

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