
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


WILU (the Canadian information literacy conference) will be at Western University in London Ontario, Canada, May 21 -23 2014. The conference thme is E-magine the Possibilities. There is a call for papers, the deadline for proposal submissions is December 9, 2013. Possible topics include:
e-learning: have you explored any opportunity in e-Learning, such as using social media in information literacy classes, teaching with mobile-devices, or developing e-Learning best practices?
e-volving: how is your information literacy instruction evolving? Are you involved in a Makerspace? Are you exploring multiliteracies or new models of critical information literacy? Or do you see emerging trends in collaborative learning?
e-valuating: how are you assessing your students? What types of practical and rigorous assessment strategies have you explored? How does your assessment change with e-Learning related instruction?
e-magining: where is information literacy instruction headed? How can information literacy librarians take advantage? How can we move forward with change together, in a learning community?
There can be proposals for presentations, posters, ignite (pecha kucha) presentations and workshops. More information at
Photo by Sheila Webber: Blue Mosque, Istanbul, October 2013

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