
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

cfp “Google is not enough: Reference and Information Services for the transfer of knowledge - reframing the discussion

There is a call for papers for session Google is not enough: Reference and Information Services for the transfer of knowledge - reframing the discussion. This is organised by the Reference and Information Services Section of IFLA, and will take place as part of the World Library and Information (IFLA) Congress, 16-22 August 2014, in Lyon, France. This year the overall conference theme is: Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge.
"Highly engaging papers will approach the main themes with reference to case studies that illustrate best practices. During the two-hour session we hope to have between 4 and 6 speakers, presenting a paper in advance of the Congress – see important dates below - but also giving a 15 to 20 minute summary during the RISS Session." Topics include:
- The 21st century reference librarian: is she/he a human search engine or a partner in knowledge creation? What training and development is required to fulfill this role? What is not being addressed in library education?
- Is reference a form of activism? How does this relate to the social role of reference librarianship in the transfer of knowledge? How do reference services help people to do something, make something, or change something?
- How do public library reference services build individual and community assets? Examples for this topic could address how do these services strengthen civic engagement, or support multicultural societies or provide a community hub.
- Are reference services in your library about access (the delivery of answers) or about knowledge creation? How is this enacted in day-to-day services? Examples for topics could include: digital and mobile libraries and their use in service delivery/knowledge creation, remote reference services and support for the new kinds of learning environments, or delivery of essential services to support a knowledge driven economy.
- Reference without technology – the possibilities and perils. What will these services look like in 5 years? What sort of innovative reference work in non-technological environments is being done?

Proposals should include: Title of presentation, Abstract of no more than 500 words in English, Name, e-mail address, position (title) of presenter(s), plus a brief presenter(s) biography, Presenter(s) employer or affiliate institution
Please send your proposal for papers by email, headed IFLA RISS Papers, to both and
Deadline for submitting proposals is 1st February 2014.
Photo - cakes and fruit at our research group meeting today.

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