
Monday, February 10, 2014

Support for holding infolit training events

The CILIP (UK's Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) Information Literacy Group is offering financial support for organisations hosting information literacy events. It is hoped that this "will enable smaller institutions and organisations to develop and provide additional events that can support staff IL skills in the workplace. Where possible funding received should enable an event to be held for free, making it accessible for all." Sponsorship of up to £500 is available for applicants to host information literacy events, e.g. where you may have to pay for speaker fees and/or travel and subsistence, refreshments, lunch etc. for delegates.
Sponsorship of up to £250 is available for applicants to host libteachmeets. e.g. where you may have to pay for refreshments for delegates, or venue hire.The money should cover things like venue hire, refreshments, speaker fees or expenses. "As part of the funding conditions you would need to promote the sponsorship of the group and produce a short reflective article/blog post (approx 1000 words) about the event held." For further information about applications, contact the Catherine McManamon,
Photo by Sheila Webber: rare lull in Remo's, February 2014

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