
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

cfp #iFutures 2014

iFutures is a one-day conference, on 22 July 2014 held in Sheffield, UK, which is run by and for doctoral students in the Information Science community. The theme of this year's conference is Research into Practice. It has two broad strands: firstly the ways in which your research might impact industry and society. Secondly, we hope the event will provide a forum to discuss ways to disseminate our research to those outside academia. The event is run by doctoral students in the Information School at the University of Sheffield (i.e. the iSchool I am part of). "The conference aims to provide an opportunity for PhD researchers to share their work through presentations, discussions and published short papers. Contributions are encouraged from doctoral researchers working in any area of information science or in related fields, including information retrieval, knowledge management, HCI, informatics or library and information studies. We would also encourage students at any stage of their research to submit – the event will hopefully benefit those just starting their research as well as those with more concrete results to present."
The keynotes are from Mounia Lalmas, Principal Research Scientist, Yahoo! Labs and David Bawden, City University. There are two parallel workshops one from me (Sheila Webber) on Disseminating your Research to Maximise Impact and one from my colleague Paul Clough on Research Beyond Academia.
Proposals are welcome (from doctoral students, which of course includes part-time students) for full papers, Pecha Kucha presentations or Posters. Conference fees are waived for presenters and otherwise the conference fee is a modest £20. More information at:
Photo by Sheila Webber: Spot the cat, Granada, March 2014

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