
Monday, August 18, 2014

IGNITE! group problem solving; international collaboration; social justice #wlic2014 #ifla_set40

I'm liveblogging from the 40th anniversary conference of the IFLA Section on Education and Training which is part of the WLIC (IFLA) 2014 in Lyon, France. The current session is an IGNITE session, in which people are allowed 5 minutes to present, using 20 slides (so rather like a Pecha Kucha, but even shorter) so it will be impossible to capture much about each. This will be an impressionistic blog post and I won't cover all of them.
- Terttu Kortelainen talked about getting groups to work on a research problem using brainstorming and also the group creating a story around the problem, to give the problem better context (e.g. so that later they can ask "would this kind of person have access to this"), and she also emphasised critical discussion within the group to generate criteria for evaluation and to evaluate what has been applied.
- Barbara Moran gave some tips for international exchanges and collaborations e.g. faculty or student exchanges, joint programmes etc. These included the importance of being selctive about picking partners; being clear and realistic about goals and that "nothing substitutes for personal contact".
- LaVerne Gray and Rashauna Brannon talked about The social justice imperative in library and information science education and research and the ongoing development of the ALISE/ALA Social Justice Collaboratorium (I'll add a link to further information if I find one).
Photo by Sheila Webber: lake in the park, Lyon, August 2014

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