
Friday, August 15, 2014

Reimagining Digital Literacy Possibilities @ Deakin University #iflalimerick

Liveblogging from the IFLA Information Literacy Satellite conference held in Limerick, Ireland. Reimagining Digital Literacy Possibilities @ Deakin University by Christine Oughtred, Sabina Robertson, and Sue Owen (Deakin University, Australia) was presented by Robertson. She started by giving some facts about Deakin University and talked about the new strategic plan. She noted that the new Course Enhancement Strategy had graduate outcomes which included Digital Literacy (as well as communication, critical thinking, problem solving etc. - but, I note, information literacy). Robertson then focused on digital literacy (DL) and showed this video which explains how the library helps with DL:
If you watch you will see that it includes information literacy elements in DL. Robertson went on to give examples of how librarians had worked with academics to develop students' DL through the curriculum. This included examples where assessment of the DL element was part of the credit for the class, notably where students had to evaluate websites in groups and create presentations. A new initiative consists of credit-bearing communication classes which will be taken by a large number of students (1000+). Robertson noted that professional development for library staff was an important part of the plan. She saw building relationships with academics and collaborating with them to develop authentic learning activities as very important.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Salthill beach, August 2014

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