
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Information Literacy at #ACRL2015 conference

The ACRL conference takes place on 25-28 March in Portland, USA. If you are intending to go, you will probably be all booked for it by now, but I thought I'd just highlight some of the Information Literacy events in the programme (which is at
Sessions on 26 March include:
Leaving the One Shot Behind: Transitioning from Status Quo to Sustainable Integration - Speakers: Elizabeth Dolinger, Meredith Farkas
Engaging Second-Year Students in Transformational Learning Experiences - Speaker: Elizabeth L. Black
Shifting our Focus, Evolving our Practice: A Collaborative Conversation about the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education - Speakers: Donna Witek, Danielle Theiss, Joelle Pitts
Snapshot or Big Picture: Assessing Student Learning using the Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education - Speakers: Steven Hoover, Megan Oakleaf, Michelle Millet
Scholarly Communication Apprenticeship as a Site of Information Literacy Development for Humanities Undergraduates - Speakers: Kathleen Reed, Dawn Thompson
Foundational Assumptions in Threshold Concepts and Information Literacy - Speaker: Patrick Morgan
Sessions on March 27 include:
Crossing the Threshold with Threshold Concepts: Redesigning a Library Instruction Lesson Plan - Speakers: Xan Goodman, Samantha Godbey, Susan Wainscott
The Framework for Information Literacy and its Impact on Student Learning - Speakers: Sara D. Miller, Craig Gibson, Merinda Kaye Hensley, Carl DiNardo, Alan Carbery

Shared Goals for Shared Learning: Using Frameworks to Collaborate in the Writing and Information Literacy Classroom - Speakers: Donna Witek, Teresa Grettano
Putting the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education into Action: Next Steps - Speakers: Sharon Mader, Karen Williams
When the Question Means More Than the Answer: Facilitating Inquiry to Improve Research - Speakers: Veronica Douglas, April Aultman Becker, Abraham Korah
Sessions on March 28 include
Put a Librarian On It: Information Literacy Partnerships In Everyone’s Space - Speakers: Elizabeth Galoozis, Dunstan McNutt, Mary Moser, Colleen Mullally
Slow Journey Over the Threshold: Recognizing Intelligent Mistakes as Markers of Progress - Speakers: April Cunningham, Carolyn Radcliff, Richard Hal Hannon
Photo by Sheila Webber: Daffodil, Sheffield, March 2015

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