
Saturday, March 07, 2015

Project Information Literacy: interview with S. Craig Watkins

The transcript of an interview with S. Craig Watkins (University of Texas at Austin professor and MacArthur Foundation researcher) has been published by Project Information Literacy. In the release about this he is quoted as saying "While schools do not always suffer from a lack of technology, they consistently suffer from a lack of vision in how the technology will be used. In high-poverty schools, technology is rarely used to promote the development of higher-order thinking skills, such as design, problem-solving, or coding. Schools must invest in highly-skilled instructors and curricula that cultivate the skills associated with innovation. This is not necessarily a technological
barrier, but rather a social barrier. By expanding what we help students learn to do with technology, we increase the likelihood that they can begin to more fully leverage the power and possibilities of social, digital, and mobile platforms." Go to His website is
Image created from Craig Watkins' website using tagxedo

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