
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

cfp for #iFutures 2015

The call for poster and paper proposalss for the 2015 iFutures conference (to be held at Sheffield University, UK, on 7 July 2015) closes on June 5 2015. The conference is run by, and for, PhD researchers in the information science field (so it is run by PhD students in my department ;-) The theme of the 2015 conference is Open Information Science: exploring new landscapes. "Openness is a key part of Information Science research, from using open source tools and big open data sets to open standards advocacy, creating open accessible environments in institutions, and opening information science to radical perspectives and exploring diverse communities. The conference will give delegates the chance to talk about how open information influences and relates to their research." Submissions can be for posters, papers, or pecha kucha presentations, and are welcomes from PhD students at any stage of their research. There are two keynote speakers: Fabio Ciravenga (Professor of Computer Science, University of Sheffield) and Helen Kennedy (Professor of Sociology, University of Sheffield). More details at
There is also a twitter chat today at 5pm UK time (which is e.g. 12 noon US Eastern time) using the hashtag #iFutures

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