
Friday, July 03, 2015

An introduction to phenomenographic research #researchminded

I've just put up that slides that Bill Johnston and I used in our workshop on phenomenography, that was part of the EAHIL+ICAHIS+ ICLC workshop in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago. This is the pleasant seminar room we were in.
Since delegates were from the healthcare sector, and phenomenography is a research approach that has been used quite a lot in healthcare, we asked participants to read a paper describing phenomenographic research into nurses' conceptions of caring:
Andresson, E.K., Willman, A., Sjostrom-Strand, A. and Borglin, G. (2015). Registered nurses' descriptions of caring: a phenomenographic interview study. BMC Nursing, 14:16. DOI 10.1186/s12912-015-0067-9
The powerpoint provides a short introduction to the approach, and then says something about the part of analysis that is to do with identifying the categories describing each of the varied conceptions.

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