
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Determining the Value of Information Literacy for Employers #ecil2015

European Conference on Information Literacy 2015 in Tallinn. Determining the Value of Information Literacy for Employers was presented by Stéphane Goldstein and Andrew Whitworth. In work sponsored by the CILIP IL Group they had investigated 3 companies and developed a draft tool to help people identify the value of information literacy to employers. This is a spreadsheet with cells for areas in which the participants said they invested and the expected returns on investment.
The areas for investment included investment in: organisational practice, information systems and technologies, staff development and support; and use of space.
One thing that was mentioned that the participants said they wanted to develop the capacity of their clients in handling information (e.g. a local authority wanting to develop citizens' skills or a company wanting people to develop skills in using its software)
As usual this is just a liveblogged impression of the talk and there is a lot more detail here, including the actual spreadsheet tool: and I've embedded the presentation below

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