
Thursday, December 24, 2015

cfp Information Literacy in Music

There is a call for submissions for a forthcoming book, Information Literacy in Music: an Instructor’s Companion. I can't immediately find a page that describes this, so I'll include the full call. "This book is a compilation of information literacy assignments, along with explanations of underlying context and pedagogy, for music as a discipline. We welcome solo or joint submissions from librarians and/or faculty working with undergraduate or graduate courses that address any area of music and related sub-disciplines, including but not limited to: music history, ethnomusicology and world music, music education, popular music, music business, music therapy, etc."
"Successful submissions will feature creative, innovative or unique assignment ideas. They will outline the pedagogy behind an assignment, as well as the results of any completed assessment, whether formal or informal. Preference will be given to assignments designed to help students gain skills, competencies, etc., rather than those designed to teach students the mechanics of a research tool, such as citation management software or a database. In order to ensure a diverse range of contributions, the editors may consider external factors such as sub-discipline, institution type, etc. when evaluating submissions for inclusion."

To submit, state name(s), title(s), and institutional affiliation(s). A MS Word document of 1000 words or fewer should cover "a brief description of the course for which this assignment was created: its role within the music curriculum at your institution, course setting, etc.;Describe learning objectives for this assignment. What should students be able to do upon completion of this assignment? Why did you create this assignment? Is there a particular issue with student learning that this assignment is designed to address? If this assignment was created using national pedagogical standards or guidelines, such as the ‘Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education,’ from the Association of College and Research Libraries, please describe.; Provide a brief description of the assignment itself.; Include plans for assessment. Please describe any assessment of this assignment you have completed, whether formal or informal. How did you measure the success of this assignment? What did you learn as a result of this assessment? What ideas or suggestions do you have for others who would use; Please include a copy of the assignment itself as distributed to students."

Deadline for submission is January 29 2016. Send all materials via email attachment to editors Marian Ritter (, Beth Christensen (, and Erin Conor (
Photo by Sheila Webber: door wreaths of Lewes series, December 2015

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