
Sunday, December 06, 2015

cfp #QQML2016 Conference

There's a call for papers for the 8th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2016) to be held 24-27 May 2016, at theUniversity of London, UK. The focus of QQML 2016 International Conference is on Exploring Trends and Challenges on Building the Future Libraries. This is a multi-disciplinary conference that covers the Library and Information Science topics in conjunction to other disciplines (e.g. innovation and economics, management and marketing, statistics and data analysis, information technology, human resources, museums, archives, special librarianship, etc).... The emphasis is given to the models and the initiatives that run under the budget restrictions, such as the Information Management and the innovation, the crisis management, the long-term access, the synergies and partnership, the open access movement and technological development." Deadline for abstracts is 20 December 2015. There is more information at
Screenshot by Sheila Webber, from the Sheffield University webcam: peregrine spotted perching near the nest on St Georges church today: only a couple of months before the nesting season starts again

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