
Thursday, February 04, 2016

#ACRLSTS IL chat: Identifying Opportunities to Teach (More) Information Literacy Skills

The ACRL STS (science and technology) Information Literacy online Chat is on February 16, 3-4pm US EST (that's 8-9pm UK time). "This month, Bonnie L. Fong (Physical Sciences Librarian & Head, Emerging Technology @ Rutgers University-Newark) will lead our discussion, Identifying Opportunities to Teach (More) Information Literacy Skills" "As an academic librarian, do you feel you're teaching your students all the information literacy (IL) skills they need to succeed? Or do you think there's a gap in student knowledge you'd like to fill? This month's chat will focus on identifying opportunities to teach (more) IL skills. The discussion leader will begin by sharing her experience working with a chemistry professor to redesign a seminar course to incorporate a lot more IL. This will be followed by a conversation among attendees about their attempts to increasing their teaching of IL - a bit like crowdsourcing for additional successful methods."
There is a recommended article:
Fong, B. L. (2016). Assessing Graduate and Undergraduate Student Needs to Redesign a Chemistry Seminar Course. Science & Technology Libraries. (advance publication)
The chat is in WebEx so you need a USB headset and internet connection. There is a webex demo at and system requirements at
STS Monthly chats are archived at
Photo by Sheila webber: Japanese first tree, Guelph, Canada, May 2005

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