
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Digital dE-BiAsing Techniques for an Engaged Society

The deadline for proposals (for pecha kucha) for the Social media and information literacy conference, Digital dE-BiAsing Techniques for an Engaged Society (Debates), has been extended to March 11 2016. The conference takes place 18 May 2016 at Northumbria University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK. The cost is £50 to Information Literacy Group members (£75 otherwise). "The event will be of interest to academics, experts, information practitioners and emerging early career researchers in the fields of information science, communication, psychology, social media, education, media studies, social policy and creative arts. The overall topic for the Debates conference is the issue of negative behaviours in online social media such as cyberbullying, extremism, radicalisation, racism and belief in conspiracy theories and how these can be analysed and addressed by the research community." Keynote speakers are: Professor Annemaree Lloyd; Professor Stephan Lewandowsky; Professor Heidi Julien; Carl Miller. More information about the structure of the conference at:
Photo by Sheila Webber: early spring, Blackheath standard,February 2016

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