
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

#QQML2016 impact of training on information seeking behaviour

At the QQML conference Beatriz Candon presented research undertaken by Mariza Talim (University of Minais Gerais, Brazil: there was a 3rd author Sergio Talim) on the impact of training on information seeking behaviour. The group studied were health professionals, aiming to investigate the impact of tarining in use of the Virtual Health Library Portal and PubMed. The Kirkpatrick model was used to evaluate training. This involves examining learners' perceptions of training, the knowledge acquired, what is different inb behaviour afterwards and finally the organisational benefits resultng from the training. This study looked at the first 3 of these 4 elements.
Mariza Talim (a medical librarian) taught 15 hours (including similar sessions offered to different groups). The training concentrated on search strategy, using functions of the two databases etc. There were 82 participants. Data was collected through 3 questionnaires: pre and post test questionnaires, and the third administered 4-5 months after training. This third one asked them about a critical incident, and aimed to determine impact on practice. There was also a pre and post test. The data was analysed descriptively and comparing the before and after questionnaires.
The large majority of participants' perceptions of the training was positive. Trainees reported increased use of conference papers, systematic reviews etc., less use of Google and more frequent use of MEDLINE etc. The pre and post tests and questionnaires showed an increase in skills. The third questionnaire (asking them to think of a search incident before and after training) showed that participants who responded (I think it was 21) were getting more information after training and they were still using Google less and health databases more.

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