
Monday, June 27, 2016

IL in Germany #2ndEURMIL

Fabian Franke, Director, University Library, University of Bamberg, Germany (Representative of IFLA, Information Literacy) talked Role of libraries to promote information literacy in Germany at the 2nd European MIL Forum, where I am liveblogging. He identified the National Commission Information Literacy, supported by the German Library Association. There are also regional IL networks in each state in Germany and the website The website includes standards and statements (from policy documents, scientists etc.) that support IL. There is a general strategy for information infrastructure in Germany, which highlights the need for libraries and information literacy. A statement from German Rectors Conference has said that IL needed to be more firmly in the curriculum, and calls for improved skills amongst librarians in terms of data management.
There are IL standards for university students (2009) which are similar to the old ACRL standards and have the same structure (with indicators for each standard). There are also standards for school students and a useful geographical map for teachers, that enables a teacher to identify a librarian in their area who could work with them on IL.
They are now working on a Reference Framework for IL (pre school to postgraduate) which has 6 levels for each aspect.
Photo by Sheila Webber: in a cafe, Riga

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