
Friday, June 03, 2016

Reports from #ckviii day 2: Partners in information literacy: The research mentor program at UNH

Pamela McKinney continues her reports from the Creating Knowledge conference. Pam writes:
"Partners in information literacy: The research mentor program at UNH: Ann Donahue, Kim Donovan, and Carolyn Gamtso, University of New Hampshire, Manchester, United States of America (presenting authors)
"The Research mentor programme began in 2002 and is a collaboration between the library and the Centre for Academic Enrichment. They make extensive use of paid peer tutors, who are trained in writing, research and how to support learning in HE. The library also then offers training in IL, as they relate to the information that tutors might need in a one to one appointment with a tutee. They use the ACRL framework to provide a conceptual and theoretical framework for the IL classes.
"The Boston marathon bombing is used as a stimulus for discussion about information sources and information quality, and this develops knowledge of the "scholarship as conversation" frame.
The presenters have published extensively about their activities and the bibliography can be seen in the photo [taken by Pam of the slide at the conference, click on it to see larger size]."

The references include this open access article:
Donahue, A. (2015) Charting Success: Using Practical Measures to Assess Information Literacy Skills in the First-Year Writing Course. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 10(2).
Photos by Pam McKinney: Conference food, and conference slide

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